What is a domain?

It is an address you’re used to seeing on the internet, such as

Domain names can’t be bought; you buy a license by paying a fee that will allow you to use that name.

Are you looking for reliable email management?

dodify offers dedicated email hosting.

You can independently manage your emails associated with your domain.

For example, because our domain is we all have our own chosen email address [email protected].

The advantages of using our email hosting services are:

Why is it better for a company to use a custom domain instead of a classic classico or

Having a custom domain emits professionalism and follows the convention of having an email address with the same domain name.

Do you already have a custom domain but the management service is not meeting your needs? Contact us!

The features of our dedicated email hosting service are:

Call us if you want a more professional profile for your company or if you simply want more information. We will do our best to answer all your questions.

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