If you have a website or blog with low website visits you may need a Web Copywriter.
Why? Your content may not be optimized for website visibility.
It is someone who specializes in writing content for the web that not only reads well, but also creates content designed to help websites rank high on search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.)
Have you heard the term ‘Content is King’? That’s because good content is what leads to more people visiting your website.
By using tools for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM), as well as implementing strong keywords, HTML markers, titles and descriptions.
We also take into consideration the reading order of the text (titles, paragraphs, bullet points, bold, italics) or the choice of images for your articles and posts: for example a low resolution image is counterproductive, but a high resolution image may not be functional if the browser takes too long to load it.
If you think your website content or blog content needs to be reviewed feel free to give us a call, email or request a quote.