What does responsive web design mean and why is it important?

To have a responsive website means that the website has been designed and programmed to automatically adapt to any particular device you may be using, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

Google and other search engines give websites that are responsive higher priority, as the majority of web traffic now comes from smartphone and tablet devices. In fact, when performing web searches using a smartphone Google will let you know which websites are ‘mobile-friendly’.

For this reason, dodify always offers our customers websites with responsive design, that is adaptable to all smartphones.

When designing for mobile devices things we take into consideration include:

We are very experienced in designing for responsive websites so if you’re looking to create a new website, contact us!

We include responsive design in the cost of creating new websites.

Feel free to get in touch by email or give us a call so we can discuss your requirements and answer any questions you may have.

Graphic design


Indexing websites


Web strategy

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